Is Remote Work an Option for Me?
Permanent Change of Station (PCS) season may look a little different this year. We’ve seen a lot of families put PCS plans on hold due to stop movement orders and quickly make alternate plans. As the time approaches for moves to begin again, one thing remains the same: military family members need to consider their employment. Will you be transferring, applying for a new position, or do you have the ability to continue remote work with your current employer. The options for some are many, especially if you have discovered remote work. Remote work as you PCS throughout your Marines’ career can result in reduced financial stress because a PCS may not affect your income. So you’re probably asking where to begin with remote work; we’ve got you covered.
Where do I get started?
Who hires for remote work? Would this be a good fit for you and your family? Start your journey to remote work with some research. There are many websites, articles, and resources available on this topic. Remote work has also flourished with COVID-19 restrictions. Companies need employees to keep their business rolling and are looking for remote workers that fit this bill. Actually, the experiences of spring 2020 may help companies realize that remote workers are exactly what they need to be successful long term. According to Biz30, a combination of increased productivity and decreased employer expenses will help make remote work the way of the future. That means finding a career that can be done from almost anywhere is not out of reach! Forbes also provides a 2020 listing of the best jobs for working from home, which includes the hottest companies in remote work.
What other resources are available to assist spouses and family members as they prepare for employment during this PCS season?
Installation FMEAP
Family Member Employment Assistance Program (FMEAP) at your installation can also assist in providing guidance in remote work. They offer resume assistance, career decision assistance, and are in touch with the latest remote opportunities. It doesn’t stop there. FMEAP is a one-stop shop when it comes to all things employment related. Check out more advice from FMEAP on employment during PCS here: Marine Spouse 101 - PCS and Employment
SECO and MSEP Resources
The Department of Defenses’ (DoD) program, Spouse, Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) offers a multitude of services. Career Coaches are available for military spouses to assist with exploring career and education interests, learning about remote opportunities and connecting with organizations committed to hiring military spouses through the Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) career portal. MSEP is targeted recruitment and employment solution for spouses and includes many remote opportunities.
To get started with SECO (and/or MSEP Career Portal) you can visit the website. To discuss any questions you may have about beginning your career or continuing your education, get connected with a Career Coach by calling 800-342-9647.
Want to know more information regarding remote career opportunities? Contact your installation’s Family Member Employment Assistance staff.