Readiness and Deployment Support

Images of spouse at Readiness workshop.

At MCRD we do not have many deployments, but we have a great deal of separation. MCFTB offers training and workshops to enable Marines and their families to maintain a high state of readiness and resiliency regardless of the deployment cycle.

Pre Deployment / Mid Deployment/ Return and Reunion/ Family Care Plan Workshops

Available upon request for all MCRD commands to include Navy and Coast Guard. Individual or group training available.

Readiness Workshops
These themed workshops are designed to sustain family members and enhance readiness during separation. Workshops cover a number of readiness topics in an interactive setting. Available for Couples, Spouses, and Children.

These workshops are available base wide on a regular schedule. DRCs/URCs may also schedule Readiness workshops for their battalion or companies.

Family Readiness PME
Available for Marines. Trainers will coordinate with DRCs/URCs to provide training on various topics based upon current Family Readiness trends in the Battalions. Some topics include communication skills, emotional cycles of separation, teambuilding, leadership, and additional MCFTB trainings.

Supplemental Training
The RDST can create and coordinate training for Marines, spouses, couples, children, and whole families based on the needs of the specific unit. The trainings can be MCFTB trainings, or created specifically for the unit. The RDST will team with subject matter experts within MCCS, and outside entities to facilitate trainings covering all family readiness issues.

Contact Information and Resources
Readiness & Deployment Support

Phone: 6197183763

Marine Corps Family Team Building: 6197183763

Follow Us:

Hours of operation:

Monday 0730-1600
Tuesday 0730-1600
Wednesday 0730-1600
Thursday 0730-1600
Friday 0730-1600
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