Stay Safe on Your Next Outdoor Adventure

Stay Safe on Your Next Outdoor Adventure

No matter what your next outdoor adventure may be, there are some important things that should be considered before you go. 

  1. Check the weather in the area. What is the forecast? Do you need inclement weather gear? Sunscreen and a hat? Know the environment before heading out. 

  1. Speaking of environment, what type of terrain will you be in? Is it “smooth sailing” or “rough seas?” Knowing your limitations will help you to have a successful experience. 

  1. Most adventures begin in the early morning to make the most of the day, but what happens when you experience delays? Do you have enough time before the sun sets and darkness comes? Do you have a backup route or a plan to stay overnight outdoors? 

  1. Bring the right gear. Ask others who have experienced your planned activity for pointers, including asking what they wish they had brought with them. 

  1. Partner up. While you may want to explore alone, always practice safety. Bringing others can be helpful if you encounter a dangerous situation or emergency. 

  1. Hydrate

  1. Bring a first aid kit – just in case. 

  1. Stay in designated areas to avoid damage to land and waterways. Trails have been made with safety in mind, but if there aren’t any trails, stick to rock, sand or gravel surfaces, and avoid trampling on vegetation. 

  1. Seeing wildlife can be a wonderful experience, but don’t touch, feed, or agitate them. Let them be and continue with your adventure. 

  1. LET SOMEONE KNOW WHERE YOU’RE GOING AND AN EXPECTED RETURN TIME, and then keep them updated. Emergency personnel don’t want to get a call when you’re safely at home. 

Connect with your local Semper Fit team to learn more safety tips and prepare for your next outdoor adventure.  

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