Maintain Total Fitness During the Holidays
The holidays are considered one of the most meaningful times of the year when people spend time with family and friends. But this time can also be a stressor that influences the overall well-being of Marines and their families.
Certain checks and balances can be incorporated into our daily lives to help maintain physical, mental, social, and spiritual fitness.
Maintaining physical fitness during the holiday season can be difficult due to schedule changes, travel, and other outside influences. Look for ways to stay consistent by including physical activity with family members or friends or finding a fitness challenge to compete with others.
Physical activity becomes a shared experience that bolsters mental and social fitness. Remember that physical fitness can help decrease anxiety and depression associated with stress.
The Semper Fit programs aboard installations play a significant role in providing various programs and resources throughout the holidays. Things like the Fitness Centers and the Single Marine Program are particularly beneficial for those who may not be able to visit or spend time with their families.
The Single Marine Program offers opportunities to stay engaged and connect with other Marines, thereby improving social, mental, and personal spiritual well-being.
If you need space, then take a break from the challenges of holiday social gatherings. For example, if you start feeling overwhelmed, navigate through personal conversations, journal, meditate, or pray with a focus on gratitude rather than the pressures and stress of gifts. Create individual goals before the holidays that allow time for self-reflection; by doing these things, you can have more meaningful conversations with family and friends based on values, respect, and life experiences.
It's crucial to create habits that help to manage stress effectively. Ensuring a good night's sleep (seven to nine hours per night), eat nutritious food, and stay hydrated. It's also important to disconnect from stress-inducing activities, such as excessive news consumption. If stressed, take the time to engage in activities that lower stress levels, such as working out, spending time in nature, or reflecting on thoughts and feelings, and focused breathwork.
Conscious breathing has been shown to benefit physical and mental health; It regulates the nervous system, reduces stress, and improves mental focus, self-esteem, performance, and creativity.
Interested in following a cardio or strength-based fitness program this holiday season? Click here.