Resume Essentials (Hybrid)

 Resume Essentials (Hybrid)


Thursday, April 17, 2025


10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Family Member Employment Assistance
4025 Tripoli Avenue, Bldg #14
San Diego, CA 92140



Phone: 6195248640

Discover how to highlight your qualifications and develop an eye-catching resume that gets you noticed!

Topics include:

  • Resume styles and formatting
  • Developing a targeted resume
  • Boosting your resume with power words
  • Creating effective accomplishment statements
  • TIPS on what employers are looking for

Open to all active duty and their family members, reservists, retirees, and DoD employees.

Location: MCCS San Diego, Personal & Professional Development BLDG #14. Cross street Haiti St/Cuba Ave.

Registration ends at 1600 PST on the day prior to the date/time selected. Workshops are subject to cancelation if the minimum amount of participants required are not met

To Register: or call 619-524-8640/5728

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